Ask Our HR Manager…

Written by Rosanne Edger | News | Blog | Posted 26/07/2022 10:55:10

A question I get asked regularly is whether the Statutory Sick Pay is now a legal requirement. The short answer is not yet, but soon. While we anticipated this to be implemented, with companies obliged to pay it for 1 January 2022, this has not yet been enacted. However, on 15 July 2022 it was passed by the Houses of the Oireachtas and it now with the President for signing into law. Once introduced it is expected to be paid as follows, with an implementation date to be announced:

· Paid sick leave for up to 3 sick days (possibly 2022), which is planned to increase to 5 days (possibly 2024), 7 days (possibly 2025) and 10 days (possibly 2026).

· The rate of payment for statutory sick leave will be 70% of normal wages, up to a maximum €110 per day.

To be entitled to statutory sick pay under the new scheme, employees must be working for the employer for at least 13 weeks and they will also need to be certified by a GP as unfit to work in order to be eligible for payment.

Some other recent legislative updates that companies do need to be aware of are as follows:

Minister Humphreys extended the enhanced Illness Benefit which was due to expire at the end of June, until the end of September 2022.

From 1 July 2022 Parent’s Leave increases for both parents from 5 weeks to 7 weeks. This must still be taken within the first 2 years of the birth or placement of the child. This is in addition to maternity and paternity leave. Both parents are entitled to this leave and it can be taken in one week blocks or, all together, in one period of seven weeks.

Additionally, in recent blog posts I outlined responsibilities further to the new Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment and Harassment and the Gender Pay Gap Reporting Information Act.

Should you have any questions or topics you would like me to cover in this series please get in contact at

Written by: Rosanne Edger MCIPD, HR Consultant July 2022

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